Evergreen Fire and Rescue Grant Program

Evergreen Fire and Rescue (EFR) has secured grant funding that will provide a 50% match, up to $5,000, for creating defensible space. If you live in Evergreen Fire District , please read the following welcome letter and follow this process:

1) A recent wildfire assessment from an EFR Mitigation Specialist is required.  EFR started using a new assessment model recently, so if you had an assessment prior to April of this year, you will need to schedule a new assessment.  Here is a link to sign up for your free assessment (type in your address).

2) Once the recommended improvements have been identified, get 3 quotes from a qualified Wildfire Prepared Contractor.  A link to the list of those contractors is provided here.

3) Sign a Commitment Letter with Evergreen Fire Rescue.  Do not hire any workers before completing this step!

4) Work must be performed by a contractor from the Wildfire Prepared Contractor list.

5) You must create a 5 foot non-combustible perimeter around all structures on your property.

6) All recommended improvements from your assessment must be completed.

Please contact Glen Mizenko at glen.mizenko@gmail.com if you have any questions.

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